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Llandrindod Wells

Take the waters in lovely 'Llandrindod Wellness' for a relaxing break!

Llandrindod Wells, or 'Landod' as it is known to locals, evolved from a small farming community into a popular resort and Spa town where Victorians flocked to take the waters. You can still try the waters at the Chalybeate Spring in the Rock Park and see the wonderful architecture from that time all around the town. The 'healing qualities' of the local spring waters, first enjoyed by the Romans, attracted visitors to the area in large numbers during the mid-18th century. The town enjoyed an economic boom, and visitors to Llandrindod would take the waters at the pump rooms and Pump House Hotel entertained by orchestras. The town Heritage Trail is a great way to discover all kinds of things about the heritage of this lovely town. The trail takes you through parks, to the Lake and through the shopping area. Along the way sign boards explain the history and heritage and help you find your way.

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